Friday, October 27, 2017


Yesterday was a good day.  Slept well the night before.  I had trouble waking up and staying awake, but I think that's all part and parcel of the medical issues.  Maybe with 2 sleeping meds mixed in!

I got a little laundry done, some things for organizational planning done, made a good dinner and had my oldest son over for dinner.  His wife has late classes on Thursdays and I was making his favorite dish.  It was nice to spend some one-on-one time with him.

Hubby got home pretty late, for him anyway, and we had already eaten.  But he got a good dinner and chatted with our son.

I have several things I need to do today, and I'm a little concerned about completing them.  I'll just do the best I can and leave the rest.  I'm trying to learn to "go with the flow" better.  Meaning don't stress about what can't be done.  It's overcast with a chance of rain, so my pain may increase.  Que Sera Sera!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Sleep, wonderful sleep

I am so thrilled to be sleeping again!  I must have had some good sleep last night because I remember dreaming a couple times.  Oh, pure delight!  I wish I could say that I awoke early feeling refreshed, but I didn't.  I struggled to wake up and stay awake, and still feel like I need more sleep; but I didn't lay awake most of the night wishing I was sleeping.  So, I call a victory and am grateful!

I was experiencing a lot of back pain last night.  I'm not sure why.  I had to sit with the heating pad for a long time before it eased.  I wonder if it's because the weather has cooled?  I had a fire going and was nice and warm, but maybe the outside temp still affects me?  I hope I don't have this problem until next summer! That would be horrible!  May need to speak with the rheumatologist about it.

I do know that I don't tolerate being cold the same way I used to.  I don't tolerate it much at all!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


I am so thankful for a better nights sleep!  I had a hard time falling asleep, but slept well. 

I am also grateful for my husband who has been trying so hard to take care of me and our home.

I am grateful for my family.  They have their issues, but I love them fiercely!  We are a pretty close knit group and for that I am also grateful.

I got pretty sore last night, starting with my right shoulder again.  It quickly spread to my neck and left shoulder.  I decided that along with the flexeril, I would soak in the tub.  I didn't have much hot water, though.  Once I got in bed after the soak, I noticed that my lower back was hurting.  Not real sure what was going on, but...

I'm sore and bit stiff this morning as well, so I just laid in bed for a bit after I woke up.

I did some reading on fibro fog last night, so I decided to try to keep a daily planner.  I have one that I downloaded several years ago, and I'll start with that.  But I would really like one more personalized for me, so I will search and see if I can find one.  If not, maybe I'll learn how to make a cute one.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Some light at the end of the tunnel?

I saw my GP today.  Hopefully I got the medication mess straightened up.  Cross your fingers!

While I was there, doc asked if I would like to see a pain psychologist.  Never heard of that one.  She asked because I'm dealing with depression again.  I said I was willing to try anything.  I'm interested in exploring this avenue.  I have been feeling pretty bad about myself and life in general.  I just don't want to live anymore.  I don't want to miss out on a precious few things, like the birth of grandkids, but there isn't much else that I see as worth living like this.  Or not living, as the case is.

I asked to try Cymbalta for the fibro pain and fatigue.  I've been saying that I don't really have much pain from the fibro, but I wonder if it's more like I've had it for so long that I've just learned to deal with it.  Kinda like the migraines.  This blog is meant to help me (and you) to learn more about these issues and how they are affecting me (or you).  I was on Cymbalta before for depression and it made me eat like crazy!  I will have to have some things in place if it happens again.  Things like making sure I have some healthier options for snacking if I can't abstain.  I really can't afford to gain more weight, but I can't afford to keep feeling this way either.  How do you make a decision like that?  My weight makes me feel bad about myself.  So taking a medication that could make me gain weight doesn't make sense.  I'll be taking a medication to feel better about myself and it might make me do something that will make me feel worse about myself! Ay ay ay. 

It's been raining for the past couple days, so I was kinda sore for the better part of the day. My hands were getting sore, and that's not usual.  X-rays showed arthritis in my right hand, but not my left.  Both hands were sore, though.  I wonder if it's beginning in my left hand.

I've also been wondering about figuring out what is the fibro and what is the arthritis.  I'm not sure there is an answer for some things.  I can usually tell when it's a joint as opposed to muscle.  But sometimes, I'm not sure if it's joint or where the muscles and tendons attach to the joints.  Crazy.  I guess for the most part it doesn't matter.

Medication woes cont.

Three weeks later and I am still trying to sleep with no meds.  Monday I called the doctor's office to have them call in a new prescription for my Lunesta.  On Thursday, I got a call back saying it had been called in a few days prior.  Sent my husband to the pharmacy to pick it up.  He came home and said they didn't have a prescription for me.  I called the doctor's office back and they assured me that it had been called in.  Went in for a diabetic check up today and find that no prescription had been called in.  I'm so angry and so done.  And TIRED!  So, I'm supposed to get a call from the office manager so I can tell her what happened and the employee can be dealt with.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Experiment for sleep

I have been out of my sleep medication for two weeks.  Well, one of the medications.  I take two.  I discovered while my husband was working out of town for a few days that sleeping with the tv on seemed to help.  As of last night I was out of the second medication.  I slept fairly well with the tv on.  I think I will try a white noise app on my phone and see how that works.  I haven't slept well for 15+ years.  When you add two medical conditions that can mess with your sleep, it's hell.  Yay for progress!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Stiff this morning

I woke up stiff this morning.  I don't know if it's from the pruning I did yesterday, or just the arthritis.  Just got out of the tub; I soaked in hot water for a while and I feel better.  This leads me to believe that it was the arthritis.  I'm thinking maybe the rheumy should have changed my meds when I saw him last week.  I will keep track of how I do until my next appointment and maybe we will make some changes next time.

Still not sleeping very well; though it's better than I expected.  Maybe reading when I get in bed in a big culprit of my not being able to fall asleep.  Will continue abstaining from reading at bed time and see what happens.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


I am so grateful for a good day.  I got some things done, and made dinner for my hubby.  He has been gone for three days and is happy to be home.

Medication woes

I don't sleep well.  I don't sleep at all without medication.  I currently take two medications to help me sleep.  Even then, I don't sleep well.  I called my pharmacy for a refill on my Lunesta.  They called back and said they couldn't fill it because my insurance wouldn't approve it.  I was confused.  Suddenly, my insurance will only allow me 15 pills for 25 days.  I don't know why.  So, the pharmacy said they would call my doctors office and have them get prior authorization for 30 pills for 30 days.  Ok, great.  I wait a couple days for the slow machine to work.  I send my husband up to get the pills, and he is told that the prescription has been transferred to another pharmacy.  WHAT!?  Then I remember getting an email saying I had several prescriptions ready for refill.  I though it was from the mail order pharmacy that my insurance uses.  I look and discover its from an app that I downloaded to help me remember to take my medications.  My mail order pharmacy is Caremark, this was from Carezone.  Ok, so I won't check my emails while I'm in bed with a bad migraine any more!  Pharmacist tells me that he can't just have them transfer the prescriptions back because that' illegal.  He gives me the number for the carezone pharmacy.  I call them and tell them to cancel my refills, and I don't want to do business with them.  He tells me that there were only two on record with them, neither of which is my lunesta.  Gggrrr.  I call my doctors office to ask them to send a new script for the medication, at the recommendation of my pharmacist.  My doctor is only in the office two days a week, so things move real slow there.  They tell me that they can't send the prior authorization number again.  Why the hell not?!  They don't have a good answer for that.  At this point, I have been without my med for a week and a half.  I'm pissed.  At this point, I'm taking 3x the dose of an over-the-counter sleep aid, along with wine coolers.  I don't drink alcohol.  I don't have much choice.  I need to sleep.  As of tomorrow, I will have been out of my lunesta for 2 weeks.  I have no idea if I will have it any time soon.  Yeah, this is my life.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Losing track

I'm feeling half decent today.  Yay!  I had laundry going, I was dealing with a huge medical/prescription mess that occurred thanks to a horrible migraine a week or so ago, was boiling some eggs for brunch, and catching up on facebook and a game I play on there.  I'm patting myself on the back and feeling good about myself for getting so much accomplished.  Then, I look into the kitchen and see the pan on the stove where my eggs are boiling.  Dang!  I forgot to time the eggs.  I have no idea how long they have been cooking.  Great.  Just my luck. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What do you do?

So, when your kids grow up and move out and you have been a stay-at-home-mom, what do you do?  I figured I would just crochet, knit, cross stitch, etc for the rest of my life.  Sounded good to me.  Instead, I was prompted to go to school to be a psychologist.  Ok.  So, I enrolled at the local community college.  Spent 2 years working on a degree in general studies, and then planned to transfer to a local university.  My last semester was very rough.  My migraines were just getting so bad.  I ended up dropping out.  I was devastated.  Why would my Heavenly Father want me to go to school if he wasn't going to help me to finish?  I still don't know.

A couple years later, I found another school I could attend.  I could do my whole degree online!  Now there is an answer to prayer!  I didn't have to worry about not making it to class because of a migraine.  I enrolled.  I spent two years there, struggling so bad.  In hindsight, I should have lightened my class load.  I just didn't know how to do that and still keep my financial aid.  Trying to get ahold of people who could help was a horror story in itself.  So, I dropped out.

I was still wondering why Heavenly Father would have me do this if I wasn't going to be able to finish.  I guess I will never know.

New beginnings

In december of 2016, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  My legs had been sore for three weeks.  I woke one morning feeling like I had been hit by a truck.  Three weeks later, the intensity had waned, but I was still sore.  My general practitioner made the diagnosis.  Fast forward to June 2017, and a rheumatologist diagnosed me with spondyloarthrosis, specifically psoriatic arthritis. I had to quit my job in September 2017.  I must add that I have struggled with daily migraines for 20+ years.  I receive Botox injections for the migraines every three months.

I have three children; ages 24, 21, and 20.  Two boys and then a girl.  They are all grown up and out of the house, and that began my new journey.  What in the world do you do with yourself when you have been a stay-at-home mom, and your kids all move out?