Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Medication woes

I don't sleep well.  I don't sleep at all without medication.  I currently take two medications to help me sleep.  Even then, I don't sleep well.  I called my pharmacy for a refill on my Lunesta.  They called back and said they couldn't fill it because my insurance wouldn't approve it.  I was confused.  Suddenly, my insurance will only allow me 15 pills for 25 days.  I don't know why.  So, the pharmacy said they would call my doctors office and have them get prior authorization for 30 pills for 30 days.  Ok, great.  I wait a couple days for the slow machine to work.  I send my husband up to get the pills, and he is told that the prescription has been transferred to another pharmacy.  WHAT!?  Then I remember getting an email saying I had several prescriptions ready for refill.  I though it was from the mail order pharmacy that my insurance uses.  I look and discover its from an app that I downloaded to help me remember to take my medications.  My mail order pharmacy is Caremark, this was from Carezone.  Ok, so I won't check my emails while I'm in bed with a bad migraine any more!  Pharmacist tells me that he can't just have them transfer the prescriptions back because that' illegal.  He gives me the number for the carezone pharmacy.  I call them and tell them to cancel my refills, and I don't want to do business with them.  He tells me that there were only two on record with them, neither of which is my lunesta.  Gggrrr.  I call my doctors office to ask them to send a new script for the medication, at the recommendation of my pharmacist.  My doctor is only in the office two days a week, so things move real slow there.  They tell me that they can't send the prior authorization number again.  Why the hell not?!  They don't have a good answer for that.  At this point, I have been without my med for a week and a half.  I'm pissed.  At this point, I'm taking 3x the dose of an over-the-counter sleep aid, along with wine coolers.  I don't drink alcohol.  I don't have much choice.  I need to sleep.  As of tomorrow, I will have been out of my lunesta for 2 weeks.  I have no idea if I will have it any time soon.  Yeah, this is my life.

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