Friday, October 27, 2017


Yesterday was a good day.  Slept well the night before.  I had trouble waking up and staying awake, but I think that's all part and parcel of the medical issues.  Maybe with 2 sleeping meds mixed in!

I got a little laundry done, some things for organizational planning done, made a good dinner and had my oldest son over for dinner.  His wife has late classes on Thursdays and I was making his favorite dish.  It was nice to spend some one-on-one time with him.

Hubby got home pretty late, for him anyway, and we had already eaten.  But he got a good dinner and chatted with our son.

I have several things I need to do today, and I'm a little concerned about completing them.  I'll just do the best I can and leave the rest.  I'm trying to learn to "go with the flow" better.  Meaning don't stress about what can't be done.  It's overcast with a chance of rain, so my pain may increase.  Que Sera Sera!

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