Thursday, October 26, 2017

Sleep, wonderful sleep

I am so thrilled to be sleeping again!  I must have had some good sleep last night because I remember dreaming a couple times.  Oh, pure delight!  I wish I could say that I awoke early feeling refreshed, but I didn't.  I struggled to wake up and stay awake, and still feel like I need more sleep; but I didn't lay awake most of the night wishing I was sleeping.  So, I call a victory and am grateful!

I was experiencing a lot of back pain last night.  I'm not sure why.  I had to sit with the heating pad for a long time before it eased.  I wonder if it's because the weather has cooled?  I had a fire going and was nice and warm, but maybe the outside temp still affects me?  I hope I don't have this problem until next summer! That would be horrible!  May need to speak with the rheumatologist about it.

I do know that I don't tolerate being cold the same way I used to.  I don't tolerate it much at all!

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